Our mission is clear.
Diamond Dreams is dedicated to providing a quality training environment where young men, women and teams develop the skills necessary to play their respective games at a high level while also learning the values of self-discipline, hard work and sportsmanship. DDSA’s entire staff is committed to teaching our youth to respect the game that has meant so much to generations of Americans. With this commitment has come success. Scores of players who have trained at Diamond Dreams have gone on to have success at the high school, college and professional levels.
Our facility is flexible.
The efficient design and practical floor plan of the 20,000 square foot Diamond Dreams training facility allows us to accommodate multiple teams as well as private instruction simultaneously. We offer as many as nine hitting tunnels, eight pitching lanes, a pro-style bullpen, a 43' x 75' shell cage, a resistance training area. Diamond Dreams provides all tees, balls, protective screens and state-of-the-art equipment, including Jugs and Sports Tutor pitching machines as well as a softball video pitching simulator. Our goal is for our customers to get the maximum use of our facility.
Our features are special.
Its Wrigley-like brick, Fenway-style scoreboard and old-fashioned wood lockers make Diamond Dreams more than just a training facility. In fact, as DDSA's aesthetics recall the game’s history and serve to inspire new generations of athletes, its thoughtful design has transformed an old warehouse into a must-see destination. In addition, our 48' Upper Deck allows parents and visitors to get a birds-eye view of the action. The Dugout Lounge features ballpark seats from Camden Yards, a dugout for kids, a cell-phone charging bar and a view of the training field. Sip coffee, watch TV or work on your laptop w/ our free Wi-Fi – all while your athlete trains!
Our services are extensive.
Athletes have almost limitless opportunities to develop their skills at Diamond Dreams. As part of our 365 training program for both softball and baseball, Diamond Dreams offers private and group lessons, open classes, position-specific schools, general skills camps, advanced academies and flexible memberships. Training and instruction take place both indoors and outdoors. We also conduct sport-specific, physical and mental training classes at Diamond Dreams. Finally, we are the training home to numerous travel teams, several high school teams and members of the Men’s Adult Baseball League. Teams please call for special pricing.
Our instructors are dedicated.
The dedication of the professional instructors at Diamond Dreams sets us apart. In fact, our in-house and numerous guest instructors combine playing, coaching and training experience totaling well over 100 years. Each has either played, coached or taught the game at a high level. Each of our instructors also possesses a love of the game and becomes vested in the success of their students. Each endorses our mission and cherishes the opportunity to help parents instill strong values and to instruct the young men and women of our communities in the game they love.
Our story began with a dream.
Diamond Dreams is a tribute to my dad who passed away when I was just 16. My best memories are of playing catch with him in our driveway. Like me, my dad lost his father at a young age. As a result, baseball became more than a sport to him; it became a way to escape the harsh realities of growing up in poverty. In fact, back when every little boy wanted to grow up to be a big leaguer, my dad had a dream - a diamond dream - of playing professional baseball. That dream ended somewhere in the Midwest when he collided with a fence while chasing down a fly ball. The injury led him back home, and eventually, to playing catch with me in our driveway. So for my dad, and for all the dads and moms who create lasting memories with their sons and daughters just by playing catch... welcome to Diamond Dreams. I think you will find it to be a very special place. Randy McGill, Owner

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